

This week has been alive with action. From the weekly Tuesday Tea, to the yearly Fall Fair extravaganza, to parade float building, our site has been pumping out the action. Oh, and throw in numerous tours for visitors from near and far including Sweden, Montana, Regina, and even a famous face from Calgary.

Our Tea at Ranch House took place on the 15th. Guests were treated to some stories, and after enjoyed some coffee and treats.

The Fall Fair happened over the past weekend. Ag. Society members and Museum staff set up the displays in a variety of the historical village buildings for visitors on Friday and Saturday to peruse. On display were numerous items that carry on the traditions of baking, canning, handicrafts, and more. In the midst of set up on Friday the Canadian Badlands Tourism Organization came through with a group of visitors including Canadian actor and recording artist Tom Jackson. The Grad Class of 2018 had a variety of children’s games set up on Friday and Saturday, as well as face-painter Theresa Kral was on hand. It was amazing to see the number of volunteers and visitors who attended to make this event an enjoyable one.

Radio Hanna broadcasters John Deadlock and Sean McCormick live-casted from the event on Saturday. They did an excellent job and had some very well done interviews with the museum staff and volunteers. If you want to listen to the broadcast and interviews, check out

One of the buildings hosting fair entries was the church, which perfectly displayed the beautiful variety of quilts entered into competition this year. St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church was originally erected twelve miles north of Delia by immigrants from Russia and Germany who also laid out an adjoining cemetery at the original site. All labour was voluntary; even the pews were hand-carved. This place of worship in a strange land served to bind the community into closer friendship with each other and God. Services were held in their native tongue until the 1950s when English became used as well. The Church struggled through the early days and the Depression finally closing its doors in the 1960s. In 1969, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church was moved to the Hanna Pioneer Village, a most fitting reminder of the past. The bell and front porch were added by the Historical Society. A detailed history with pictures may be viewed in the Archives on the Museum grounds.

Although summer seems to be winding down, the Museum still has a few events coming up. On August 22nd at 2pm we will be hosting our next Tea at the Ranch House. On September 8th we’ll have a barbecue at Fresens Brothers. On September 9th, the museum will be hosting a table of events at the Teen Fair. This concludes today’s service, but before you go I encourage you to stop by the Hanna Museum for a personalized tour. We can guarantee you won’t be disappointed!


Ashlyn McCormick

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