Back to the Past


Back to the Past

The museum has been alive with activity this week. We’ve hosted tours for people from across Canada and around the world and sipped our tea while listening to some stories.

On July 7th we had our first Tea at the Ranch House. Unfortunately, due to the rainy weather, the Tea at the Ranch House became Tea at the Quonset.  

The buildings at the museum just got a facelift! Buildings like the main building, hospital, telephone office and several others have to brand new exhibits. Stop by and check it out!

While the museum is still going strong, we wouldn’t be here without all the members, past and present, who have donated their time and energy. Two prominent individuals who gave their all to the museum include Mr. Ferguson James and Mr. George Patzer. Ferg was the man responsible for creating the Hanna & District Historical Society which in turn started the museum. Ferg was born near Lindsay, Ontario on March 31, 1890. When he was 8, his family moved to Manitoba. There, he graduated from school and worked as a teacher. In 1909, he moved to Bull Pound, Alberta where he remained for sixty-four years. During that time he pursued a career of teaching and then later farming. After the loss of his right hand in 1944, he purchased a ranch near Richdale to raise Herefords with his family. In 1964 Ferg retired and moved to Hanna, becoming an active member of the Hanna Pioneer Association. He later created the Historical Society and was the leader until his death in 1973 at age 83.

Mr. George Patzer was the curator for the Hanna Museum and Archives. He was raised in the Spondin area on a farm and after schooling, Mr. Patzer became a teacher. He taught and coached various sports teams in Youngstown for 31 years, where he ended his career as Principal. When he retired from teaching in 1988, he moved to Hanna where he became a substitute teacher, got involved with various boards in the community. These would include the Hanna hospital board, Ambulance Society, and manager for the Hanna Archives and Museum for 26 years. Additionally, he served as treasurer for his church since 1997 and was involved in provincial politics. He devoted his life to the museum until he died in 2016 at age 81.

Coming up, the museum will be having an author meet and greet and a book signing with author, Conine Hewitt on July 21. A photoshoot will also be held around the museum. The next tea at the Ranch House will be on July 17 at 2:00 pm.

Afraid we must dash as there is another eager tour group, but before we go make sure to stop by the museum so we can show you the rich heritage of our beautiful town.

Ashlyn McCormick and Alexi Stromsmoe


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