It’s been an eventful week here at the museum. In just a week we’ve been chock-full with tours, teas, and more!
Our first Tuesday Tea of the season took place on the 9th where guests listened to the story of the first woman mayor in Canada while enjoying drinks and treats.
The Michichi General Store has a new addition to add to our ever-growing collection; a 50 year old scale used in the original UFA store in Hanna.
Speaking of historical additions, here’s another historical tidbit of the week! In the early days when many boys on the eastern coasts of Canada were making their way to the wild west of Alberta, a man by the name of Harry Smith was among them. Smith came to Alberta in 1907 and settled in the Lethbridge area for a period of time where he worked as a harness-maker apprentice. In 1918 he left Lethbridge and moved to Chinook to open a harness store and repair shop. In 1931 he purchased the business of E.A. Adams in Hanna and continued to ply his trade here. As times changed, he adapted and shifted from making harnesses to making shoes. When he wasn’t running a business he was active in the community. Smith served on the school board and represented the town on the hospital board for a lengthy amount of time. Smith passed away at the age of 79 in 1967, leaving his store to his son Dale and his memories to history.
Coming up, we have our next Tuesday Tea on the 16th starting at 2:00PM. Make sure to stop by if you’re interested in some history and treats. That sums up this week and until then, make history!